Royal Geographical Society

The most prestigious and pioneer geographical society of the world is Royal Geographical Society of UK. It is an organisation which act as a charity, learned society and professional body and reach millions of people through their work by supporting Geography and Geographer in collaboration with Institute of British Geographers.

 It conducts different excursion and their collections provide an unparalleled resource tracing 500 years of geographical discovery and research.

They conduct different lectures and seminars regarding upcoming environmental issues with renowned speakers of the world which is continuously bridging between social and natural sciences.

They   conduct   different   geographical   and environmental   awareness   and    training  programme   in   schools   or   in   field,   both  for   students   and   teachers,   monitoring   by Geography   Ambassadors.

They respond regularly to consultation for different Govt. departments and help them in policy making.

Extensive research work, publishing journals-books, conducting annual international conference, grants awards recognition make this institutions more royal indeed.

Anyone can join this prestigious Institutions as an individual or as an organisation to enrich their knowledge and work.


Geographical Societies in India

Like Royal Geographical Society of UK there numerous societies or institutions are in India which emphasize on geographical study, research, talk etc. Among them some are autonomous, some are regulated by responsible Universities or governmental wings. Students having higher aspiration in subject can attach themselves with these organisations for further enrichment. These societies are as below -

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